My Doubts are over !

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fear that living inside me for a life time LONG :

Yesterday night, I made a terrible nightmare and causes me to toss and turn around the bed... This wasn't the first time I had nightmares that made me frightened to the point whereby I had to rise up from my bed, perspiring ! I aren't sure why my mind just couldn't relax... Everyone says I always look tenser than them... but I feel that I am not !! Though all this nightmares proven to me that it was caused by excessive use of my mind... No wonder it seems rather tough for me to post everytime I begin attempting to type =] Perhaps, it is because of my anxiety... Well, sharing to my dear readers as to give an relevant excuse why nowadays I seriously had some mental mermory blocked and somehow or rather it is still in my mind circulating but just can't recall at all ! It used to be that kind of stage whereby I couldn't even remember a single thing during a diagnostic test ! My mind went as blank as a clean sheet of paper... I slowly began to realised how it had affected me so much than I expected... I tend to calm down by watching some telly programs but it always end up having a sense of guilt inside me =[ Or I tend to focus and concentrate on whatever that was appearing on the screen of the television =[ Sadly, it became my habitual as in I just can't relax... Television programs creates a guilty feeling, or else it will force me to read the subtitles more often =] Despite my calmness never seems to rest in me but I had better yet to try to relax myself more often =[ It's either I overcome it or the fear living in me overtake my mindset... SO.... 2010 resolution to me is actually not exactly striving and soaring high for my grades, Inspite of whatever it takes, I am willing to commit myself relax =] It's a promised =] May God bless me XD Amen !!

All Doubts are Clearly revealed :

Hahas !! the first paragraph was not what my theme for today is about =] It is slightly related XD It's actually what I found out =]

So I will like to comprehend that all my new teachers are knowledgeable in his/her subject =] I failed to perceive them performing lousily in discipline issues hahas =] Specifically, I meant they have fullfilled my requirements =] How horrifying of me ! Judging the teachers without the teachers doubting me X.X It is for temperament only =] Hahas =] Preparing a long slip of recommendations and feedbacks =] AW! =] Although it is good to comment but have to go though the first procedure, which is politeness ! If I am not politeful enough, who would ever wants to take in my comments adn advices ! It is just logical =] Mankinds only listen when we are calm and polite, other situation, they usually will ignore or give a bad impression of that someone else XD Discovered I don't pinpoint anyone now ? As I realised no one is perfect, neither you nor I =] So who am I to judge people =] All of us aren't as superior as god =] Moreover He is the creator of the solar system =] I learned science chemistry =] They were explaining about atoms can't be located even with a microscope that magnifies 800 times but they still see nothing =] God is amazing =] He constructed the smallest matter in the whole universe =] Quite interesting =] Science stimulates and motivates us to use more of our imagination then any other subject =] Curiousity is a definitely a need if I want to become a scientist =] I used to have an ambition of becoming a famous scientist whom had notice some other thing =] After a long time, things changes from time to time XD Gradually I became more mature =] and so do everyone else =] Hahas =] whatever the case is, I love the way I am in now =] No regrets and no resentments =]

Description of my New Teachers :

Mrs Smahon, she's a very conscious teacher =] She does not want students to be in the state like her now =] So she would nurture us from what she had gone through =] some of my peers has a mindset with fraughts =[ So they will always never achieve what the unexpected was =] Hoping they will change and presevere more often, go forward and towards their ambition and desires XD May they rest assure they will succeed unless they willing to be optimistic XD Mr Foo, I have some inner feeling of him =] He is innovative =] There are certain parts which are censure XD It will offend the other party so better not to spread nonsensicals =] I believe that we should never judge a person by his look or his physical appearance =] The blinds and deafs have brighter life than those university graduated students =] Not a good reason to become like them =] They just showing us the possibility of surviving without hands, legs or mental disability ,etc. It shouldn't be the case whereby they can succeed but we are born with healthy body and illness-free and couldn't thrive for what we want =] In fact, it will be easier for us then them =] Work hard and rewards will be grand =] If you have a job, it is worth while to do it right =] Certain jobs I meant... Hahas that's about all =]

May God bless those who wish to succeed =] Amen !

I signed off with a..... SMILE =]


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