Laughters everwhere !!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Welcome Back my fellow readers =]

Hi hi =] It's been long since I didn't post any scripts =] Apologies for my laziness =] As there are numerous subject I don't wish to share =] Hahas =] Firstly, I appreciate your patience for my upcoming post =] And therefore, welcome back to my blog's website =]

A Wishing =]:

I will like to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR !! This year christmas is blessed =] Next year, 2010 will be the best year ever =] Sorry, just being sacarstic =] In fact, it will be filled with excitement and challenges awaiting you to compete with it =] Impossible is nothing =] Just do it ! =] Erm, copyright, too dangerous =] I rephrase Nothing is impossible to do =] Whatever the case or circumstances, try it =] You will never know that it will be useful one day =]

My very first Job =]:

Today was my first and ever day that I started to do part time =] I always mumble to myself and always grumbling about the cons of part time job and never talk about the pros =[ So I just stuck on my chair and daydream.... Sooner or later I realised that this is not going to last me long as my time to start working for money is arriving =] It was monday or couldn't remember which day but never mind... Jia Hui phoned me and told me that his Da gu needs helper to lighten her job weight =] At first, I was curious and shocked ! Slowly I recall back what Mr Alex said about me that it sunken deep down my heart... so I immediately agreed =] I can't believe I was so fortunate! I get new opportunity =] I got to experience what's being a salesman like and the toughness of the job =] The more complex the situation is, the easier it is to be done and the easier problem is, the harder it is to be completed or accomplished =] Very logical principle =] Hope you heard or seen before =] Okay for example, you were leading among four groups who were still way you decided to take a break and slack for a time period =] The one who is not leading gets the priority and started to chase up =] As soon as the leading group leaps to the ending line... Guessed what ! The unleading groups had already won =] So to make it simpler to understand, the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first =] Not very Difficult to understand I hope =] Hahas =] I am still my old writer habits =]

Review on my Day =]:

I imagined my employer as quite a fierceful looking woman but turned out to be a kind soul =] She's a little conscious about the little bits of setbacks =] Hahas =] It's alright =] I learned a lot from her =] I really like to thank her for hiring me as a part timer =] She's slightly witty =] Hahas =] The rest were alright =] Of course, I was said by her because I folded the uniform untidily =] It's perfectly fine as being reprimanded or scolded is a must if you are doing the incorrect things =] In the morning, 5.30 am =] Surprisingly, I wasn't tired at all =] Cool =] I went to take a hot bath and then set off slowly down to woodlands to meet up Jia hui =] Arrived at Yew tee at around 6.40am =] Her aunt's brother gave us a ride to Dunearn Secondary =] Hahas =] On the way there, Jia hui's aunt didn't know the school name so her brother was quite confuse on which way to go =] Finally, she recalled some memories of that particular road =] Thank god ! So we arrived at the school's entrance slightly later =] We went straight to put our bags down at the place where we are going to hold the sales there =] We grabbed heavy bags of uniform, skirts and shorts down to the canteen =] Unpacked everything and started organising them respectively =] Ranging from the smallest to the biggest size =] So we won't get confuse as to where is it =] It was still early, so her aunt suggested that we should all go take our breakfast before it's too late =] So headed to the nearest coffee shop and bought nasi lemak to eat =] When we stepped in the canteen, they started serving the customers already hahas =] First batch ! Follow up by massive rage of parents and students =] They were thronging through the queue just to get to my counter -.- I had a little knowledge on doing sales so just smile and apologise -.- I had to apologise because I kept them waiting for so long as I was serving other customer -.- Seriously, oen short two to three came in fornt of me and demanding for sizes for their kids ! -.- Of course I was quite annoyed but kept smiling =] At the same time, laughing and laughing =] Actually there's nothing humourous about it =] Just my favourite excercise =] Laugh more and you live longer =] Actually that's the true =] miserable people either suffers from mental breakdown or cause nervous system to shut down and even double the risk of heart disease and other problems =] Stay cheerful =] Since everything have a solution to resolve it =] There's nothing unsolvable =] Pain are temporary =] Cancer is permanent =] Choose the right option =] Not easy, I must say but it is still managable =] So beware of what you yearn for =] Consequences can be minor or major =] Continuing, the rest was just packing back all the uniform back to it's original place =] Quite a exhausting job =] Everything is in chaos -.- Took merely two hours to clear up the entire compound =] Argh ! Not to worry =] I was trained before =]

SGB was my first toughest appointment =] Why I called it a appointment, the primers just point here and point there -.- Rubbish =] But it's true ! SGB (Sharity Gift Box) =] Cool right =] Twelve hours per day =] Nine to nine =] Saturday and Sunday =] It's not an easy thing to do =] Waking up in the morning at 6am where you only slept for five hours is the most tedious thing =] My mind went quite blank =] It's over =] It's all worth it learned so much more about the surroundings and human nature =] The poverty of those staying in one or two rooms flat =[ Stench that they couldn't resist =] So there's always hope =] We put a smile on their faces =] That's what the main objective of that program =] From there, generosity is the key and the gratitude you are giving =] Accepting one anothers strategies =] Working together as a TogetherEveryoneAchieveMore =] Few minds is stronger than one mind =] Carrying loadful of stuffs and manoeuvring a category to another ! Whoah ! It is merely impossible to get it done by two days =.= Milo tins were uncountable -.- It's terrible =] I had a plan on my head before getting started =] So I could organise them with ease =] More or less you know what's happening =]

Bowling and Billard =] :

After the long morning, beginning to get more restless =] But my sense of humour are still active =] Laughing like mad =] I was playing bowling all by myself =[ Stupid voucher only allows for personal usage and not applicable to others =[ So I was like, WHAT !? Alone playing -.- Three pairs of eyes looking upon my scores and how I was playing -.- Damn irritating la =[ Moreover, I played lousily -.- Does not matter =] Seldom people have the courage to play alone infront of their friends -.- HA ! Well all depends on that person =] Either he will be considerating on others thoughts and feelings =] Obviously I not saying myself heartless -.- It is just because the voucher is expiring soon ! I had no choice but not to wait any longer and started to bowl alone -.- Thousand apologies to them for mistreating them =[ I am the one who was behind all this plannings -.- So I am the one to be blame =] Next time, I will not let it happen again ! -.- So threw a few times then it's over =] HAHAs =] My fingers aching now =] My persistence are quite strong =] I could tolerate long enough =] typing the scrip out =]

Next we played billard =] Gosh ! That was totally CRAP ! I didn't even know how to play !! It was my third time or second time =[ It was a huge pool somemore =[ I played even lousier =[ Probably worse than a novice =[ I am just a beginner ! Fear what =] Everyone can learn =] I just don't believe that I can't play well =] So flung the ball many times, Jia hui, Xiang Xiang and me kept laughing non-stop -.- Like laughing maniac =] Weird ! Even when I walked down the stairs also laugh =] Guess today I have lost my mind =[ It's alright, once in a while =] I just told a lie =[ XD Hahas =] It's a JOKE ! Laugh ! =] Okay la =] Ending here =]

Ending off =] :

Hope I could save my explanation through this long history =] I will like to wish you all again a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year =] God bless all of us =]

I will end off with a... SMILE =]