I am back online =] Excited ? I bet YES ! I hope =] Does not matter =] XD As long as you guys still reading my blog =] I appreciate it a lot =] Hahas =] Yesterday, I watched 'Astro Boy' at Golden Village =] It was pretty well done =] There's a moral in that movie =] I will explain a little about the movie =] It's going to end soon =[ The DVD is coming out soon =] So guys might want to buy and watch it =] I am not a fan of Astro Boy but I kind of like him =] The cartoonist quite creative eh =] Many people across the world likes him though =] Even kids enjoy all his act =] So don't look down on cartoon movies =] Disney Pictures creates all this cartoon =] In fact, Disney is the first cartoon that exist in earth I think =] I hope I am not wrong =] Mickey, Donald duck ? I couldn't remember the other character name =[ Hahas =] Never mind =] Continuing from here =]
I thought it would be something like the ones on television, just fighting and saving the city LOL =] Actually it is in fact totally the same story =] It is about a piece of floating city =] It's called metropolitan city =] It is quite interesting that the city could float because of high technology X.X You guys should know about zero gravity =] So we could float up =] Hahas =] Okay Okay =] I am probably too informative =] Might as well tell you guys the entire story =] Okay detail form =] Astro was after a name given by three robots below the metropolitan city which is the scrapyard =] His original name was Toby =] You know the professors =] Almost the similar powerpuffs girls -.- Toby's father built Astro =] Confusing isn't it ? Okay =] I elaborate =] Toby wanted see some new weapon constructed by a professor =] It's called the blue core and the red core =] When both cores are put closely together, it will repel like magnets =] The blue obviously contains the positive and the red contains negative energy =] It is from an meteorite that struck somewhere and some of the essence or remnant or whatever is collected X.X So the story begins =] There's another person who protest that the red core must be used. So they quarreled and argued, I think the professors told them they will destroy both cores =] So the other person was frustrated so he took the red core and slot it into one robot body X.X The havoc begins and Toby was in the event, the robot gone haywire so they shut a shield to prevent the robot from attacking them. On the other hand, Toby was also trapped inside the shield. The robot sucked in Toby and part of the shield, unfortunately something happened and both died X.X Toby's father was very upset so he wants to build another clone of Toby =] He used his DNA sample to create Astro =] Toby then was created =] He has the blue core in him =] The gave him incredible powers =] He could fly now =] His father again was upset =[ So he decided to destroy him as him realised that he is just only a robot so the evil plan started... Both parties the bad and the good are tracking him down.....
I don't want to tell you more =] Find out by yourself =] There's enough context for you to form a clear picture in your mind =] Simple, what do heroes do to become a legend ? You guys should know =] Ever watched before Hercules ? It is a brilliant movie =] Fantastic music =] I like old cartoon =] They are like musicals =] Not sure why they don't want to maintain the quality of cartoon movies =] Nothing complex =] If they could produce such movies in the past, they have better preference to do such thing again =] Moreover now technology are increasing like crazy... Windows are spiking and storage device have now 3.5 terrabytes=] 1 TB equals to a thousand gigabytes =] So it is huge space to stock up information =] Quite disappointed with nowadays cartoon shows =[ Yes their graphic are magnificent but there's not enough live action in it =[ pure cartoon ... Forget it =]
I like science fiction movies a lot =] Not long ago, I watched 2012 =] It was scientific prediction =] The end of the world is not for people like us to decide =] God is the mightiest =] He is the creator of the entire solar system =] Science still have zero evidence to prove that it is natural X.X So they come out of animated vision of the Solar System =] How did it start from and what happened during the creation =] You know something interesting ? Earthquakes cannot be form if no collision are taking place =] So how do earthquakes form ? It's simple, two pieces of huge land collides together =] Small movement, furious impact =] Just like meteorites, small in shape but when they enters our atmosphere their velocity spikes greatly, shooting stars are meteorites =] Cool =] Dinosaurs are killed by meteorites, you guys know ? =] Millions years ago a piece of meteorite from space impacted earth that causes earth to react erratically... I can't explain like scientist =[ If you guys watch Impact, they will show meteorites striking the moon =] Oh yeah, I want to tell you a little piece of stuff that is in the meteorite =] Meteorites originally aren't magnetised =] After travelling through the space, they generate some electricity(I think so)that electro-magnetised the meteorite, they called it, brown dwarf =] Remnant of a dead star =] Impact is about the moon colliding with earth because of a meteorite stuck the moon and it is stuck in the moon =] Gravity pulls the moon closer to the earth and soon it is close enough and it will eventually hits the north or south pole =] Scary =[ A small meteorite cause the dinosaurs to die, the moon is 2200trillion or million times bigger than ordinary meteorite so probably there will be no earth =[ Whatever it is, it is science fiction =] I believed that, when the end of the world happens, I will not be there to look =]
Okay la =] That's all =] I sign off here =] Remember =] Readers of my blog, support Mr Alex =]
I end off with a... SMILE =]
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